jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


The President of FENAVIN, Nemesio de Lara, highlights the cultural pairing of poetry and wine, which adds prestige to both

"It is truly a privilege to be at FENAVIN once again, at the most important trade fair in Spain." This is how categorically the actress Concha Cuetos expressed herself, indicating that the trade fair is like a showcase that is worthy of absolute respect and praise and that she has had several opportunities already to visit it; on this occasion she will be reciting 'El jardín de Baco. La tradición moderna' (Baco's Garden. The Modern Tradition), sponsored by 'Vinos de la Tierra de Don Quijote'.

When referring to this event, Nemesio de Lara, President of FENAVIN and of the Provincial Government, pointed out that wine and poetry have always walked hand-in-hand throughout history, representing a cultural pairing, with one giving the other prestige. Hence, the 2011 National Trade Fair on Wine will continue to walk along this path with the 'Jardín de Baco', event that started four editions ago and in which magnificent compositions by brilliant writers of universal literature were staged by some of the country's greatest actors. In this sense Nemesio de Lara mentioned how appreciative he is of the presence of these very well known artists at FENAVIN, in particular that of the actress and great wine connoisseur Concha Cuetos, who has visited the trade fair on various occasions and who is a great emissary of the benefits of wine and of the Trade Fair.

Paco Valladares will also be participating in the recital, which will take place on May 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the trade fair's auditorium. Paco Valladares, who finds that this poetic encounter is a fabulous idea, commented that "I consider that this pairing of poetry and wine is simply perfect, as the properties of both one and the other are extolled." In the opinion of the theatre and television actor, who does enjoy drinking a glass of red wine, but never in excess, "wine is life, but always in moderation."

As visitors to other editions of FENAVIN, both Paco Valladares, as well as Concha Cuetos only have words of praise for the trade fair: "I feel that this is a truly lovely trade fair, which is perfectly designed to be both comfortable and visible," said the actor, to which the actress added: "FENAVIN has turned into a social, cultural and economic phenomenon of the sector, reaching an impressive magnitude and representing an essential date on the calendar for all those that have something to say about wine."

The actor Manuel Galiana also considers "that it is a fantastic trade fair, which I would really love to be able to visit every single time." In the opinion of Manuel Galiana, wine is health and, as someone who enjoys a good glass of wine, but not an expert in the matter, he confessed that he tries out the good wines of those places he visits, such as recently Valladolid or Palencia, where he tried a Cigales claret "which was exquisite, very aromatic." He also has praise for the product made in Castilla-La Mancha, "I know Manuel Manzaneque's wines because we are friends, and I can say that they are magnificent," he indicated.

"The younger generation must learn how to drink, in the exact same way as we teach them how to eat properly"

Concha Cuetos, who is a great lover and connoisseur of the wine world, assures us that it is impossible to know all there is to know about wine, "as is the case with matters of importance, one always learns something new." In this sense she recalled that during her childhood the only wine that one heard about was Rioja, "but now, practically any region has real gems to offer." And Castilla-La Mancha is certainly no exception, she added, "I have discovered extraordinary Castellano-Manchego wines during my visits to FENAVIN".

Now talking to the younger generation, the actress warns that they must be taught how to consume good wines, "exactly the same as when we teach them to eat properly, the younger generation must learn how to drink properly; and I will certainly do this with my own grandchild when he is older, instilling in him the culture of wine, as is likewise the case with moderate consumption, in small doses, which is how wine should be enjoyed."

A Recital Open to the Public

Concha Cuetos, Paco Valladares, Manuel Galiana and José María Arcos will be reciting sixty poems with introductory prose written by both the Romantic poets and Modern poets, dating from the end of the 18th century right through to the first decade of the 20th century, the same selected by the Professor of Literature at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Felipe B. Pedraza.

Among the chosen authors Pedraza mentioned José de Espronceda and his 'Canción Báquica' (Bacchanalian Song), Bécquer, Francisco Villaespesa or the foreigners John Keats and Baudelaire "one of the most illustrious champions of wine", without forgetting the modernists such as Salvador Rueda, Rubén Darío or the siblings Antonio and Manuel Machado.

This 'Jardín de Baco' (Garden of Baco) is specific to FENAVIN and it is open to the public, as anyone who so desires can enjoy these literary gems for an hour during which wine is spoken about in a diversity of ways. The idea is to attract all those persons who have a particular poetic disposition and sensitivity, but also wine specialists who are not knowledgeable in the literature or poetry of wine, said Pedraza, "in which fundamental names and important reflections on its meaning are to be found, as there is a long-standing tradition about the qualities and effects of wine, which does nothing but give prestige to the sector," the University Professor commented.

Unlike the time of the classics, the wine of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th century was more refined and the interests were different, more intimist and related with eroticism or used as a symbol, Pedraza pointed out.

Finally, José María Arcos, valued the exquisite path that has been chosen, "as it is a hymn to that which is sublime in wine, to that which it has given to the great writers of literature." In the opinion of the Manchego actor, wine can stand in its own right in any dimension and human vicissitude "as ever since the world is the world, wine holds its own prominence in culture." He considers that the recital that is being prepared for FENAVIN 2011 personifies another way of understanding the projection of wine in society. He finished off by praising his colleagues in the recital, considering that Concha Cuetos and Paco Valladares are both great actors and specialists in the world of wine "because if you are a connoisseur of wines and on top of that you are capable of reciting magnificently, well then everything is as sweet as pie," he concluded.

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