martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


This technical session will be offering the keys on the characteristics and situation of these types of wines in Spain

The activities at Fenavin, trade fair that will be held from May 10th to the 12th, will be kicking-off with the conference 'Natural Wines, the True Wines of the Terroir', during which the founding member of the Spanish Association of Producers of Natural Wines -PVN-, Julián Ruiz, will be revealing all the characteristics and the situation of these types of wines in Spain. On his part, Jørgen Ljøstad, producer of natural wines in the Italian Piedmont, will be explaining his experience as a Norwegian producer and importer, hence giving the conference a more international approach.

Getting down to business, by natural wine we understand any wine that is produced with the minimum possible intervention. The result is a true reflection of the soil in which the wine is born. The difference with regards to organic wines is that these are even more orthodox in that pertaining to the prohibition to use chemical and mineral products.

According to the Decalogue of the Spanish Association of Producers of Natural Wines, currently formed by thirty wineries, these wines must comply with the following requirements: cultivation that is respectful with the environment; commitment with the natural surroundings. In addition, the vine grower is the author of the entire process, controlling the vineyard, all the work executed and taking all decisions; authenticity and singularity, referring to the prohibition to buy bulk wine and the defense of manual and artisan work, and finally, total sulfur dioxide (SO2) used cannot exceed 20 mg/l.

Julián Ruiz, founder of the winery Bodega Ecológica Bruno Ruiz, first winery in the province of Toledo to produce organic wines; founding member of the PVN Association and Director General of the Esencia Rural Group, specialized in the production of artisan products, will be telling us about the trend that now exists on the market to produce natural wines and food products. Ruiz affirms that we are somewhat delayed in Spain in comparison with other producer countries such as France or Italy, despite which in La Mancha we could indeed obtain natural wines with more structure, that are elegant in mouth and nose and exceptional in quality. "There is no doubt that Spain is a wine producing country with great possibilities and potential, however, we are lacking in experience." In as far as consumption is concerned, we are currently seeing a trend, in which Europe seems to have a lead over us. A trend towards organic, natural and biodynamic wines, all based on similar parameters, with some nuances, in their desire to obtain wine that develops the personality of its terroir and grape variety, with all these producers likewise sharing a common criticism of the uniformity and industrial treatment of wines.

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