viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011



Experts in new technologies will hold the starring roles at a round table that will be called 'FENAVIN 2.0', which will be coordinated by the consultant in new technologies and communications, Jesús Benito

One of FENAVIN's objectives is to help the wine sector find alternatives on the market and one of its main wagers is precisely placed on New Technologies. Hence it is due to this reason that this year's edition, which will take place from May 10th to the 12th in the Ciudad Real Trade Fair Pavilion, will be hosting this original proposal, which under the heading of Fenavin 2.0, will be gathering together experts in New Technologies in a round table during which social networks will be discussed as a business tool for the wine sector.

The goal behind this debate forum, which will take place on May 11th at 11:00 a.m. in Lecture Hall 2, is to explain to all impresarios that will be present how to approach their businesses with the social networks and the Internet, as is duly explained by Jesús Benito, consultant in new technologies and telecommunications.

Jesús Benito, who will be coordinating the round table, will be accompanied by Javier Martín, editor of the portal, along with Andrés Areitio, partner of the portal, Nico Bour, partner of and Mª Ángeles Huerta, Representative for the winery Bodegas Vihucas, during the activity that is being organized by the Association of Sommeliers of Castilla-La Mancha and Amigos del Vino (Friends of Wine) and sponsored by Vinos de la Tierra de Don Quijote Foundation

Jesús Benito underscores use of this new social communication vehicle as an opportunity to be in direct contact with the client, without intermediaries, as by way of these social networks it is possible to explain the entire wine making process, the same ranging from cultivation of the vine right through to wine bottling, with the client being able to practically obtain all this information instantly. "It is very important that the client have information about what takes place in a winery, as this is of great help when taking the decision to purchase one wine or another," Jesús Benito added.

In this sense, Jesús Benito also highlighted the fact that very few wineries are using this new method to make themselves known, which means that training and education in these new technologies is very necessary. "I have really encountered difficulties to find a winery that is present in the social networks, as is the case with the winery Bodegas Vihucas, representative of which, Mª Ángeles Huertas, will be explaining her experience, which is quite unlike what specialized stores are doing, most of which also have an on-line version of the store."

The consultant in new technologies also explained the use of this new communication method with an example of one of the experiences they have had, which will be put forward at the round table: in this case represented by the Nico Bour tool,, in which consumers worldwide are leaving their comments about the wine they have just tried, along with a photograph of the bottle and other information of interest, and where it is also possible to make purchases on-line. This way anybody who is interested in buying a certain bottle of wine can read about the opinions that other consumers have about the same.

Jesús Benito also stressed the importance that FENAVIN has among the sector's professionals. "This trade fair is very well known among wine connoisseurs and it really is an absolute success, because it is very wisely focused on business and trade."

Ceremony in recognition of the Association of Sommeliers of Castilla-La Mancha and Amigos del Vino

Once the round table finishes, the Association of Sommeliers of Castilla-La Mancha and Amigos del Vino will be holding a ceremony in recognition of the Association that is sponsored by Vinos de la Tierra de Don Quijote Foundation. The ceremony will take place in Lecture Hall 2, as of 12:00 p.m.

A total of five recognitions will be made during the ceremony, which comes to acknowledge the work carried out by personalities related with the world of wine. Hence, homage will be paid to FENAVIN's Director, Manuel Juliá Dorado, for the effort made in the promotion of Castilla-La Mancha's Wine and Gastronomy, as is likewise the case with the work carried out in training and education in the world of wine made by the owner of the Toledo based restaurant Adolfo, Adolfo Muñoz Martín.

The President of the Eco-Tourism Association of Castilla-La Mancha, Miguel Ángel Castiblanque, will also be recognized for his contribution to the development and promotion of eco-tourism and the Sommelier Victor Manuel Martín Buitrago will also be recognized for his efforts made in the promotion of wine as a Sommelier.

The ceremony will be culminated with the recognition to FENAVIN's adviser, Rafael Díaz-Salazar Arcis, for his contribution to the development of Foreign Markets in that pertaining to wines from Castilla-La Mancha.

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