lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011



The President of the Provincial Government and of the National Trade Fair on Wine, Nemesio de Lara, has been in charge of opening the photographic exhibit that is being hosted at the Ciudad Real General Hospital, the same called "Within FENAVIN". This exhibit is an initiative that has been included in the activities promoted by the Association of Families of Children with Cancer of Castilla-La Mancha (AFANION), the same under the title "From my Window", which basically consists in displaying photographs taken with an instant camera in order to help normalize the lives of the families' children who are in the hospital, although these snapshots can also be enjoyed by all sorts of audiences.

De Lara has assured that AFANION's suggestion was immediately accepted and that the organization has been working hard in order to comply with the association's expectations, activity of which he praised, highlighting the efforts that the association makes to introduce some sort of normality in the lives of children who suffer cancer.

After commenting that the opening of the exhibit represents the first event of many that will be taking place in the province's capital with reason of FENAVIN, the Provincial Government's President also mentioned how satisfied he is that on the upcoming Tuesday the sixth edition of the National Trade Fair on Wine is set to open its doors, with said trade fair representing the most important that is held in Spain and the second or third most important worldwide.

He also commented that they have moved FENAVIN over to the Ciudad Real General Hospital because of the organization's determination to not only promote business, but also the culture of wine and moderate consumption of the same. "This exhibit will be open to all the patients and their relatives. This exhibit also comes to prove that it is not only possible, but that we should talk about wine in a hospital setting," De Lara commented, then adding that "by now we can certainly say that wine is a food product, a healthy drink if consumed in moderation and, despite the fact that I am no expert, everybody admits that in as far as preventing cardiovascular disease is concerned, wine is both good and recommendable for the same." He also repeated that talking about wine in a hospital is a good thing, in particular if it is related with promoting a sector that is very representative in Ciudad Real and in Castilla-La Mancha.

De Lara then concluded by once again showing his appreciation to AFANION. "Thank you very much, because the truth of the matter is that nobody has requested anything of the association, and you are doing this on your own initiative, working for those who have less and are unable to defend themselves, for those that are stupidly classified by a system that places them in slots that differentiate human beings. Thank you for championing normalization, because all human beings are equal, whether they have cancer or any other type of illness," he said.

On his part the Member of Parliament for the province of Ciudad Real, José Valverde, also thanked AFANION for the invitation, highlighting the fact that these kinds of activities that the association is promoting are helping to give the hospital setting a different image. "This is really a magnificent idea that will be touring all of the province's hospital centers," Valverde pointed out, as he accompanied De Lara at the event; likewise Ángel Amador and Manuel Juliá, respectively Institutional Coordinator and Director of the event, also participated; along with Jesús Fernández, Manager of the hospital; and Isabel Sánchez, member of the association promoting the exhibit.

"You are helping the patients to take a restful break, offering all the kids, their families and the hospital users the possibility of having some fun and, on top of that you are providing them with information about the National Trade Fair on Wine", Valverde pointed out when it came time to praise the activity that AFANION is carrying out.

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