domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011


Juan Cascant Vicent, creator of the project and, Francisco Álvarez Molina, expert in economic matters, will both be at FENAVIN explaining all the details involved in this initiative that is pioneer in the world of wine

FENAVIN, the National Trade Fair on Wine that will be held in Ciudad Real on the dates of May 10th to the 12th, will be hosting the lecture imparted by Juan Cascant Vicent, owner of the Celler La Muntanya, in Alicante and Francisco Álvarez Molina, former Vice President of the Paris Stock Market and former Director General of the Valencia Stock Market on May 11th. They will both be presenting the Microviña Project, initiative that saw the light in order to recuperate the agrarian culture of the smallholding and example to be followed in that pertaining to redefining of an economic model as of its foundations during the current situation of crisis that is being endured.

In Francisco Álvarez Molina's opinion, the economic crisis we are currently enduring is a crystal clear consequence of a model that is now far removed from the productive activity that represents its reason for being; duly understanding productive activity with all the social, cultural and environmental implications that integrate the same. The search for economic benefit and, above all, the drifting apart from macro-economic policies with regards to the surrounding area in which the productive activity takes place, are two of the ideas that must be redefined in order to reestablish an economic model that parts from the basics, the neighboring area and all the relationships that arise as of the economic activity.

Francisco Álvarez has explained that "a tremendous consumer awareness project must be carried out" so that the consumer will realize just how important local production is and how many relationships it actually generates. In this sense the Microviña Project is a paradigmatic example of how to promote local production and consumption of wine and olive oil, both assets that are deeply rooted to the area in which they are elaborated and generators of an important social and economic network and highly established in the tradition and culture, in particular in our country.

In words of Francisco Álvarez, "the idea is not to promote isolation, that is to say, we don't want to be selfish. What we want to do is change the economic model that imposes its measures "from the top down", in order to build a model that will go "from the bottom up", which apart from everything else is actually the natural way to do things.. or isn't this in fact the result of the human being?"

As explained by its precursor, Juan Cascant Vicent, owner of the Celler La Muntanya, the Microviña Project is an initiative aimed at sustainable recuperation of the smallholding, insuring that this agricultural model can be profitable. The project, which arose four years ago in this winery located in the interior mountainous area of Alicante, is a movement of a social, cultural and environmental nature that is working in collaboration with different public agencies and under the direction of the Elviart Association (NGO for the promotion of micro-culture in the recuperation of the Mediterranean climate), the same involving acknowledgement of the value of the smallholding culture in the production of wine and olive oil.

Independently of participation in different cultural events and organization of congresses covering this topic, one of the actions that are being carried out from the Elviart Association is the establishment of a certification that will recognize products that are elaborated with traditional means and in accordance to the values of a smallholding. As recounted by Juan Cascant, a brand with these characteristics, which is precisely the brand carried by his wines at the Celler La Muntanya, follows the principles listed below:

· Verification that the farmer has sold the grape at a fair value.
· That agricultural techniques that are respectful with the environment have been used and that regional varieties have been harvested.
· That the wine must give rise to social, cultural and economic relationships within the area.
· That there has been participation in the promotion of culture, values and the tradition of the territory.

Hence, on the upcoming May 11th those participating at FENAVIN will enjoy the opportunity to become acquainted with all the details of this pioneer initiative and its implications within the alternatives to the current economic model. The Microviña concept has been exported to different areas of Spain that have similar characteristics and a diversity of universities and public agencies have already shown interest in continuing the investigation into all its possibilities.

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